Christian Festival Catering at Focus 2014

Almost definitely one of our most sedate crew and guest catering events, but certainly one of the biggest and most challenging productions took us down to Sussex and Focus 2014, a Christian festival organised by Holy Trinity Brompton in London. The production was enormous and with over 20,000 meals to cook in less than seven days, our team of chefs managed to keep smiling even though they certainly had their work cut out.

Crew Catering Chefs
The event was spread over the sprawling UK holiday park Pontins and saw Red Radish cooking up our delicious, freshly cooked food across three different marquees plus a VIP area and all-day backstage, green-room for artists, senior ministers and the main-man himself, Holy Trinity Vicar Nicky Gumbel.

There has been a huge increase in religious festivals over the last five years, although one of the biggest events, Greenbelt (an arts, faith and justice festival) has been going since 1974 and has organised an impressive 40 consecutive festivals without a break. It is certainly a growth market and one that we totally enjoyed being part of.

Production Catering

It was a heavily scheduled festival with participants and speakers having very defined windows of time in which they could stop for their lunch or dinner, meaning timing was everything and the artists, crew and production really needed to be looked after. As well as the usual hot-food options, there were also BBQ’s and packed lunches which the Red Radish chefs and production crew worked buzzing all over the site in our buggies and working around the clock to have everything ready for the very early morning festival starts.

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